Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A bone to chew
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
New journal articles by Carey staff
Scottish journal of theology vol. 62, no. 4 2009.
Tim Bulkeley's articles "Teaching the facts, inculcating knowledge, or instilling wisdom? Rationale for a textbook in BS101" and "Worship and Amos : an expository approach" you can find in Teaching theology & religion; October 2009, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 352 and The South African journal of theology; vol. 18 2009.
George M. Wieland's article "Roman Crete and the letter to Titus" published in New Testament studies; vol. 55, no. 3 Jul 2009.
Laurie Guy's article "Moral panic or pejorative labelling" published in Journal of religious history; December 2009, vol. 33, no. 4.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Study skills books in the library
Blogs, wikis, podcasts & more / Andy Pulman.
Referencing & understanding plagiarism / Kate Williams and Jude Carroll.
Getting critical / Kate Williams.
Planning your essay / Janet Godwin.
Brilliant writing tips for students / Julia Copus.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Hot from the press
Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel / John H. Walton, general editor.
The minor prophets, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of songs / John H. Walton, general editor.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy / John H. Walton, general editor.
1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther / John H. Walton, general editor.
Video / DVD review

Finally, this movie is not everyone's cup of tea. It's long, black and white, a foreign language film with subtitles but if you just give it a go you may experience something really different and special.
By Damir Trupinić
Monday, October 12, 2009
Celebrating animal month

below is our little dedication to all of those beautiful creatures who find
their way into our life.
The Lost Gnostic Gospel of Feline Mercy
By Jane Lebak
While many have heard of the Gnostic Gospels, such as the recently recovered third century manuscript of “The Gospel of Judas,” few know the early Christians specialized in animal rescue. The previously unknown Epistle of Philip to the Rescuers is excerpted below.
Chapter Four:
(1) As for those who rescue cats, thou shalt keep as many cats in thy home as thou reasonably can.
(2) Thou shalt estimate how much thou canst reasonably handle by dividing the number of rooms in thy house by 1.5 and acquiring one litter box per cat.
(3) This number is iron-clad and must not be violated unless one sees a cat which is unbearably cute, or sick and cannot survive without tender loving care, or which butteth his head against thy chin in a very sweet way while thou attemptest to clean his cage, or has an adorable meow,
(4) or someone asketh thee for help with a box of abandoned kittens, or the cat wandereth up onto thy porch one cold night and thou thinkest of his little bare feet being chilly in the brisk air of the night.
(5) Nay, I tell thee, increase not the number of cats thou shalt have, but only if God droppeth the cat in thy lap, or if thou really wantest the cat, or if thy co-worker is getting rid of his seventeen-year-old cat because he lay with his wife and she hath conceived, or if thou thinkest thou might know someone who knoweth someone who might take the cat off thy hands in the next few days.
(6) Neither shalt thou take in additional guinea pigs, parakeets, tiny dogs, reptiles, gerbils, hamsters, nor tropical fish whose owners are simply tired of them, unless thou feelest sorry for the animals.
(7) When thou art asked if thou hast room in thy home, this is how thou must answer:
(8) “No, I’m afraid I can’t. I really can’t. I’d like to, but no. Oh, he’s so cute. Well, maybe if I move my bed out of the bedroom and sleep on the floor in the kitchen I could make a place for him, but only this once.”
(9) For I tell you, no one shall give up one cat in this lifetime for his own selfishness who shall not be “rewarded” in the next life by seeing what sparse love he gave and received.
(10) And lo the Very Angry Cats will torment him with much nibbling of their needle-like teeth.
(11) But for thee, the rescuer who dost sacrifice time and money and dost endure much eye-rolling from thy spouse for thy feeding and worrying about homeless cats, I say to thee,
( 12) Be glad and rejoice. Thy reward is great in Paradise.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Launch invitation
Venue: Carey Baptist College Chapel
473 Great South Road, Penrose
Date: Thursday 1st October 2009
Time: 2.30pm
Rsvp to Siong Ng. siong.ng@carey.ac.nz or 526 0347 for catering purposes.
Monday, September 7, 2009
E-Books in the Library
Studying Christian spirituality [electronic resource] / David B. Perrin.
The Blackwell companion to Christian spirituality [electronic resource] / edited by Arthur Holder.
The divine conspiracy [electronic resource] : rediscovering our hidden life in God / Dallas Willard.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Book review

Dr. Bruce Demarest
In Dr Demarest’s own soul, he has wrestled with questions about deeper Christian walk with Christ. And with the mind of a biblical scholar, he has thought through the distinctions between authentic Christian Spirituality with it soul-building practices and the misleading counterfeits. ‘Satisfy your soul’ is a book of information and formation for the deeper walk with Christ. It gives us insights on how to identify ourselves as Christians and our needs for spiritual growth (Ch 1-3), Psalm 42:1-2 Gives us insights on how to develop and nourish our souls as Christians by developing a deeper relationship with God (Ch 4-6), Psalm 63: 1-2. It also gives us insights on why we need spiritual formation and how to maintain that growth for the rest of our journey (Ch 7-9), Psalm 126: 5-6. And on the last chapter Dr Demarest is challenging us to start our journey with Christ as all Christians should do.
Dr Demarest believed that God’s grace was something that you experienced at the moment of salvation and you relied on that grace for a future with God in heaven until he began to experience a deeper formative work of God in his life in the mid-1980s. Since the 1980s a new journey for Dr Demarest started and now he is taking us through his personal experience and his knowledge of how to restore the heart of Christian spirituality. He believed that the path to discovery and transformation is trough balancing our understanding of what brings a soul to conversion with what keeps us on the path of growth in Spirit. Dr Demarest believes that restoring the hearts is by knowing God as Intimates. To know God is to connect with Christ through relationship, intimacy, face to face by dwelling in the presence of God, communion, a deep sense of connectedness with Christ through the Spirit, and an encounter with God in the Words. To know God is to cultivate a love relationship with Him. This relationship is thru feeding the soul with the Words and by exploring the power of contemplation. Dr Demarest mentioned the art of meditating on God’s word by quieting and composing the soul, the formative reading of scripture, and by imagination in meditation. So if we want to be so in love with God, so “new” that we can turn from our deadness and our sins, we must come under the influence of the Spirit of God.
This book gave me new insights for a better understanding of Christian formation. I knew that our souls need growth but I did not know how to develop that growth. I knew about reading the bible and prayers but not in depth as how Dr Demarest described it. With my understanding now, Christian spirituality involves the whole person: knowing, being, and doing. The mind’s understanding of God from the Word must seep down to the heart so that we engage Christ intimately in a transforming relationship of love. The spiritual vision and passion fired by knowledge of the heart then propels us into the world as the hands, feet, and lips of Jesus. In this way we fulfil our calling as knowers of God’s Word, lovers of Jesus, and doers of the Father’s will.
I would be happy to recommend this book to everyone who wants to follow Christ. We can only fulfil God’s purpose for us is by restoring the heart of Christian spirituality. I strongly believed that this is the tool that we need for his work. Knowing God and letting him be known in our lives is the way to breach the gospel.
“May the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until that day when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23
By Lopeline Tonga
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Library week competition
Library week competition
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Library week competition (book review)
Here is a startling analysis of how the western church lost its cultural relevance! Essentially Brown’s thesis is that from 1800 the church in
Finally the social upheavals of the 1960’s broke the connect between feminism and piety causing women to leave the church, thereby also losing the men who were there on account of their women. As Brown cleverly puts it, ‘the keys to understanding secularisation in
Albert Y. Hsu, The Suburban Christian. Finding spiritual vitality in the land of plenty.
King Canute famously tried to stop the tide coming in. This light but very thoughtful book accepts the tide of cultural change and takes a refreshing look at today’s predominant western lifestyle. Rather than bemoaning consumerism, individualism, isolation et al and deploring insensitivity to the plight of the urban poor; Hsu accepts the fact that more than half of
It is a thought provoking read and one particularly relevant to New Zealand Baptists with our predominantly white middle class suburban congregations. In no way does the book suggest we shouldn’t focus on the poor, but just maybe God is also at work right where we live already…and the biggest mission field is closer to home than we think.
By Robert Markley
Monday, August 3, 2009
Free coffee
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Book launch

/ Myk Habets
Date: Thursday 13 August
Time: 10.00am
Venue: Carey Baptist College - Dining room
You are invited
Monday, July 13, 2009
Archive tour
Library week 10-16 August
Library week.
Book reviews - Write a short review of a library book or tell us why this book has been useful for your studies. No more than 100 words.
Photography competition - Take a photo of the library or its collection and write a caption of not more than 30 words.
Your creativity and originality will be rewarded! Prizes sponsored by Church Stores.
Conditions:- All staff and students at Carey Baptist College are eligible to enter (this also includes distance students).
- Send it to library@carey.ac.nz
- We will submit all entries in the library blog
- All entries must be received by Friday 14 August
What's new in your library
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Featured electronic media
" Amos : hypertext Bible commentary"
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Spiritual direction
comprehensive exploration into the world of Spiritual Direction. Sue Pickering has written a very good book covering what Spiritual Direction is all about from both sides - director and directee. In this often misunderstood world of Spiritual Direction the book will help someone interested in learning what it involves plus it will invite you to see the richness that can be found in it. A helpful, clearly written book that is through in it's coverage of this topic.
By Mrs Neroli Hollis
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Book review
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Introducing new books, reviews

For the first year of her formal education, she was home schooled by her mother who instilled in her a strong sense of self worth, and worked diligently to realise all the potential within her daughter. Being black was no disadvantage and she taught Condoleezza to believe that she could fly. Born into a Christian home, her aunt said of her faith in God "She knows that he guides and directs her. She learned this early as a child, to have that faith, and to believe that the Lord can do all things."
For an inspirational read, I encourage you to borrow this book about Condoleezza Rice, a gifted woman who loves and honours God; a professor, diplomat, author and national security expert who served as the 66th United States Secretary of State.
By Chris Lucas
Saturday, June 13, 2009
New book on salvation

He argues that today's notion of salvation as a decision tantamount to "accepting Jesus in your heart" falls short of what Jesus and the rest of the Bible teaches.